114 E 71st St # 1w, New York, NY 10021

(212) 226-0677

Buttocks Augmentation

Enhancement or augmentation of the buttocks is rapidly becoming a more popular cosmetic surgical procedure. Fueled by pop culture artists and celebrities, such as J Lo and Beyoncé, a prominent gluteal region is all the rage. Achieving the desired result may involve a number of different strategies, including liposuction, fat transfer injections, buttock implants, or a combination of these procedures.

A consultation with Dr. Francis, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, will outline the options available and the course of action that would best suit your particular needs. The surgical procedure generally takes anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the procedure chosen. You will be unable to sit directly on the surgery site for several days and will experience soreness for a few days to a week depending again on the type of procedure.

If buttock implants are used, surgical drains will be placed for about 3-5 days. All stitches are placed under the skin and are absorbable, so there is no need for removal. Follow up visits to Dr. Francis are required 2-3 days after surgery, one week later, then 6 or 8 weeks after. Final office visits at 3 and 6 months usually follow.

Return to full activity, including exercise will depend on your individual healing process and averages from 2-6 weeks. Overall enhancement of the gluteal region can add to If buttock implants are used, surgical drains will be placed for about 3-5 days. All stitches are placed under the skin and are absorbable, so there is no need for removal.

Follow up visits to Dr. Francis are required 2-3 days after surgery, one week later, then 6 or 8 weeks after. Final office visits at 3 and 6 months usually follow. Return to full activity, including exercise will depend on your individual healing process and averages from 2-6 weeks. Overall enhancement of the gluteal region can add to self-confidence, self esteem and body image.

Please call today at our Manhattan office to get an appointment for Buttock Augmentation consultation along with various others butt lift procedure.

Buttocks Augmentation

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