114 E 71st St # 1w, New York, NY 10021

(212) 226-0677

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PROMOTIONS Skin Care Products We Offer

Reshape your body. Reshape your life.

Smartlipo LaserBodySculpting is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted lipolysis procedure that targets trouble spots like the abdomen, thighs, and neck, and permanently eliminates fat. Those “love handles,” “bat wings,” “muffin tops,” “saddlebags” and jowls that don”t respond to exercise and diet? They improve dramatically with greater results, minimal downtime, and less pain than traditional liposuction.

Because Smartlipo actually tightens the skin through coagulation, you don’t have to worry about dimpling and sagging. And with Smartlipo MPX, you can experience the latest generation of laser-assisted lipolysis. This unique technology exclusively offered by Cynosure delivers the optimal blend of two laser wavelengths for fat removal, tissue tightening, and safe results.

With Smartlipo, you’re in the doctor’s office one day and turning heads the next. Are you ready? It’s time to reshape your body and reshape your life.

Here’s how it works

  • Local anesthesia is used (you’re awake during the procedure)
  • A tiny incision is made, about the size of the tip of a pen
  • The Smartlipo laser fiber is inserted through a very small tube into your body
  • The laser ruptures the fat cell membranes
  • The fat cells are permanently destroyed
  • The liquefied fat is gently suctioned out
  • New collagen is produced resulting in coagulation of skin, resulting in tightening

Typically, only one treatment is required dependent on the number of areas to be treated. Results may vary, but usually can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over three to six months.