The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content of this website should not be used for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment. Readers are advised to consult with Kenneth R. Francis, MD
Get into shape with a Tummy Tuck in New York City
In today’s world, we want to maintain our youthful looks no matter the age. Excessive fat in the abdominal region is one such issue that
Smart Lipo NYC- things to know
Smart Lipo also known as Laser Liposuction is a walk-in and walk-out procedure that takes place under local anesthesia. It works well on double chins,
Mommy Makeover NYC- Transform your post-baby body
The joys of motherhood are boundless. However, the effects of pregnancy on your body are significant. During the nine months, when you carry the baby
43 Questions You Need to Ask During Your Consultation:
43 Questions 1- What made you decide to become a cosmetic plastic surgeon? 2- How long have you been practicing as a cosmetic plastic surgeon?
Plastic Surgeon for redefining your looks in NYC
Both men and women today are obsessed with attaining the best physical appearance. Various medical procedures are available these days to help you achieve the
Finding the Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon in NYC
Breast Augmentation surgery is the number one performed plastic surgery today. The procedure is a lot popular these days. Women all over the world want
Brazilian Buttock Lifts Abound
The statistics stand for themselves. Buttock enhancements have indeed increased over the past few years, in record numbers, sparked by our societal preoccupation with pop
Diabetes and Plastic Surgery NYC
In a prior posting, I implied that I would describe the relationship between diabetes and plastic surgery. In New York City, just as in the